Compliance Approval Portal (CAP)

Loyola User ID:  
Loyola Password:  

If you don't have a Loyola User ID or have questions about password, contact ITS at

Compliance Approval Portal (CAP)
All research involving human subjects that is carried out by Loyola University Chicago personnel must be submitted to the IRB for review and oversight. This includes all research projects which will involve human subjects, whether funded or unfunded. Research conducted by an investigator affiliated with Loyola at an off-campus site(s) or in collaboration with an investigator at another institution must still be submitted to the Lakeside IRB unless IRB oversight has been sought from the Health Sciences Division (HSD) IRB

All use of living vertebrate animals conducted by Loyola University Chicago personnel, must have oversight by the IACUC.

If you have any questions or need assistance with the CAP system, please contact ORS for help.